Vrienden op de Fiets continues online

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How nice of you to take a look at ‘Vrienden op de Fiets’, the jolliest club of sporting Friends and welcoming Guest Addressess.

A fascinating melting pot of young and old, from hiking boots to bikes and canoes to rowing boats. From Appelscha to Stellenbosch and from lodge room to garden house. From snuggling alone or with your best friend. Our Friends and Guest Addresses are diverse, but have one thing in common: they all have their hearts in the friendliest place.

Ode to 40 years of Friendship

40 years of Vrienden op de Fiets; a great time to ask Friends and Guest Addresses for their stories and photos. A selection of all those unique contributions is on a special page that is regularly updated.

Do you have a beautiful, funny, moving story or a special photo? Send your contribution to samen@vriendenopdefiets.nl or click here

Enjoy watching and reading!

Good to know...
Most contributions are in Dutch.

Ode to Vrienden op de Fiets

Who are we?

Vrienden op de Fiets take multi-day cycling or walking trips and sleep along the way at our Guest Addresses. If you are a Friend, more than 5,000 doors are open to you. Especially in the Netherlands, but also in Belgium, Germany and dozens of other countries. Do you like to be active and are you sporty? Then join us.

If you click on the button below, you can become a Friend or Guest Address.

Join as a Friend or Guest Address

From Appelscha to Stellenbosch

Looking for a Guest Address?

Are you a Friend or Guest Address? Log in first, then you will find all the details about the Guest Addresses.

Are you a visitor? You can search globally for Guest Addresses.

Search for a Guest Address

Are you a Friend or Guest Address?

As a Friend or Guest Address, you will find all the information and inspiration in your own area. To get there, log in at the top of this page.

Can't log in?
Then click here

Are you a visitor?
Would you like to know more about Vrienden op de Fiets? You can find information in two ways:

At the bottom of this page are our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's).
At the top of this page, Join us. Clicking on this will tell you how Vrienden op de Fiets works and who it is for.

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The answer is in the Frequently Asked Questions.

Click here on how to turn our site into an app.