Are you a Friend and (maybe) want to become a Guest Address?

'I'd like that too, but...?'

If you regularly sleep at Guest Addresses, you know how special it is that people open their homes to a "Friend" they don't know at all. Right? 
During such a trip, do you sometimes think: why don't I do that myself?

Do you know?
Almost 10% of our Friends are considering becoming a Guest Address, but see a few bears on the road....

"It seems like such a hassle to be a Guest Address..."

Suppose you have a room to spare. You make the bed in that room, put down a towel and buy some things for breakfast.

The Friend arrives, freshens up, goes somewhere nearby to eat something, sleeps, has breakfast with you and leaves. And if you both feel like it, you have a drink and exchange stories. You don't have to, you can.

But be careful, because it can turn into a fun conversation. And before you know it, you'll be Friends....

Becoming a Guest Address is a piece of cake

Je meldt je in 3 minuten aan via de website en het kost je niks. Na aanmelding checkt de Helpdesk je gegevens en ben je binnen een paar dagen zichtbaar op de site. Vanaf dat moment kunnen Vrienden contact met je opnemen.

You can also try it for a while....

You decide whether a Friend is welcome

Don't feel like it today or next week? Then don't. You can start quietly and see if you like it. If it doesn't suit you after a while, just stop.

Are you convinced and would you like to become a Guest Address?

That's awesome!

The basics are simple: Friends stay in your house, your rules apply there. 

Nevertheless, we have also laid down a few basic rules for the sake of clarity. Rules that you too can fall back on if necessary. 

Tip: read these basic rules so you know how it works. If you are on that page, you can sign up directly.

You are more than welcome!