How does the foundation fix the price for an overnight stay?

To arrive at a new price, the board and director carefully consider several factors.

Good to know: When setting the overnight price, the focus is mainly on Dutch conditions. This is the home country of Vrienden op de Fiets and by far the largest user area.

Director Stefanie Gerwers explains

“We make an estimate of the costs for an overnight stay. In this, we include breakfast, laundry, a shower and any extra heating costs. The effort, hours, amortisation and mortgage payments are not included. We exclude these consciously because an overnight stay is, after all, meant as a good turn by the Guest Address.
We know that it is difficult to fix a cost price that feels right to everyone because every Guest Address is different. But by the end of 2022, our last careful estimate showed that it should be possible to provide a simple overnight stay and a nutritious breakfast for 25 euro. For single travellers too and, in most cases, in separate spaces like a garden house as well.”

Symbolic amount

Going back in time...

‘In 2019, we raised the overnight price after a long time. At €22.50, it more than covered costs, which is why we could continue with this for a few years. Inflation hardly played a role for years, which was around 2%. Most Guest Addresses kept a token amount from their Friends until the end of 2022.

In 2022, inflation went through the roof. All things considered, we arrived at a price increase of over 11%, to €25. At the time, again, more than breaking even.'

What is a suitable price for an overnight stay?

'Nobody can make an unfailing estimate of how inflation will develop. Nevertheless, we should always set a price that feels acceptable based on the factors known to us. Not too high, the price should fit the simple overnight stay we promise. And certainly not too low, because no Guest Address wants to add to the fee. Moreover, we would like Guest Address to keep their doors open.
Even for Friends who don't have such a fat wallet and have seen their income shrink recently. So we want a price that is just right for everyone. A tricky issue.’

‘Of course we listen to noises that reach us through the Help Desk, for example, but the reactions from Guest Addresses vary enormously. Some say, ‘The price is far too low for what I am offering’. The other says: ‘It's fine, please don't raise the price, then you'll drift away from what Vrienden op de Fiets is, and should remain.’

The basis and details of the pricing

‘For the inflation adjustment, we base ourselves on objective data. We find these at the Dutch Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). This agency publishes the official consumer price index figures (CPI). This is a ‘basket’ that averages the price increases and decreases of all products and services bought by an average household. This produces a price index per year and we release this to the current overnight price.’

The current price will be valid till the end of 2025

‘After careful consideration, we have come to the conclusion that the current price of €25 per person still offers enough room to absorb any price increases in the coming period. It was therefore decided to maintain this price at least until the end of 2025.

Annual evaluation
The fact that the price is fixed until the end of 2025 does not mean that we are sitting back until then. On the contrary; the board and management are keeping an eye on developments and have agreed to evaluate the prize every year from now on. With all available and current information at that time, the current price will be reviewed again.

Incidentally, this decision does not mean that we will decide to change the overnight rate at the end of 2025. Again, we will make another careful consideration by then.’

“The price is and remains the same for everything and everybody.
Irrespective of the number of Friends or the offered luxury.”

Director Stefanie Gerwers

Fixed price prevents uncertainty

‘That the current price is fixed for now is a conscious decision. We don't want to be an organisation whose price is constantly fluctuating, as is common in many companies. This is another reason why we have built in a wide margin. This summer, it turned out that the price should certainly be sufficient until the end of 2025. With this longer-term planning, we believe we avoid ambiguity and discussion.

To be even more clear: it is possible that Logeeradressen will have a slightly lower surplus over the years, but in our estimation the price will still more than cover costs.

Price applies to everyone
It is also worth reiterating that the price is the same for everything and everyone, regardless of the number of people or the luxury offered by the Lodging Address. This way, Friends on a Bike remains the unique, idealistic initiative that so many people enjoy.’

In conclusion

“The price for children up to 12 years is derived from the full price for adults. In combination with an adult who pays the full price, this amount should prove to cover the costs too. The foundation hopes the reduced rate will make biking or hiking with children or grandchildren even more attractive. They are, after all, our Friends and Guest Addresses of the future!”