Board, Advisory Committee and team

The Foundation Vrienden op de Fiets is a not-for-profit organisation. Our policy is formulated by the board in collaboration with the director. The Advisory Committee closely monitors whether the pursued policies accord with the fundamental principles of the foundation. The day-to-day operations are managed by a small team of professionals.

The people behind the foundation

The composition of the Board is as follows:

- Frank Köhler (chair)
- Marianne den Boef (secretary)
- Wim Joosse (treasurer)
- Coby Adema (member)
- Anca Ansink (member)

The Advisory Committee (AC) consists of three members who are appointed by the family of our founder, Nel de Blécourt.
The members of the AC are:
- Wieke Bijleveld
- Bert van den Berg
- Wim de Bruin

The team in the office consists of six people. Ida and Karin 'man' the Helpdesk, Sabine is there especially for Guest Adresses, Bart takes care of Communications and Wilma is our IT expert. Management is in the hands of Director Stefanie Gerwers.